Taho is your breakfast protein in a cup. Its base is a very bland, soft version of warm silky tofu that’s sweetened with arnibal, a caramelized sugar syrup, and topped with tiny sago. This is a perfect breakfast on the go: warming and filling, with chewy sago and just enough sugar to get you through the morning.
Traditionally, taho vendors carry their product using two aluminum buckets which are suspended from each end of a bamboo pole—one containing the soft tofu, the other containing the arnibal, sago, and other items, including plastic cups, spoons, and the day’s takings. Taho vendors balance their signature contraption on one shoulder and walk the streets yelling “Tahooooooo” kids will happily run outside their houses carrying 5 or 10 pesos with a coffee mug to fill their cups with taho.
We all admire taho vendor as we saw them walking in our streets carrying two buckets. Imagine how difficult it is for them to do that everyday. Out of curiosity, a netizen asks a vendor of how much he earns per day this is their full conversation:
Source: Wealth Coach France