
Here Are 12 Natural Home Remedies For Sweaty Hands.

Many people are having trouble every day because of sweaty hands fortunately, there are many cures to this problem. Here are 12 natural home remedies for sweaty hands.

Water is an excellent cooling remedy because sweaty hands are particularly worse on people whose body gets hot very fast. The best way to avoid this is to drink plenty of cool water all throughout the day. This will help our body to remain cool. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water to keep our body temperature under control.

Green Tea has several medicinal qualities that help dry the sweat naturally by closing the pores. Green tea also helps remove excess oil and moisture from the skin and prevent sweat from escaping the surface of the skin.

Sage tea has medicinal qualities that can be used to treat sweaty hands. Take a bucket full of warm or hot water and add 2-3 sage tea bags or fresh tea leaves. Allow it to steep for 15-20 minutes. Soak hands in this water for twenty minutes every day. Sage tea will dry the excess oils and will prevent hands from sweating for several days. This treatment has to be continued for a week every day for best results.

Alcohol is a wonderful natural remedy for treating sweaty hands. Rubbing alcohol or any alcohol-based products on the hands will immediately give a drying effect on your hands.

Cornstarch is a simple dusting remedy that is used by many controlling sweaty hands, feet and armpits effectively.It also helps in keeping the skin dry.

Talcum powder is another home remedy for treating sweaty hands However, it is important to choose a mildly perfumed powder or non-perfumed powder for the purpose that the sweat and the perfume combine it will result in a bad odor.

Baking soda is also one of the natural remedies that will help in keeping the skin dry on the surface. Take some baking soda and mix with water. Apply on the hand and rub your hands together to seal the surface with the baking soda and prevent sweat from seeping through.

Lemon or orange peels have excellent sweat controlling agent. Take the orange or lemon peels and dry them in the sun. This can be powdered and must be stored in airtight jars. 

Tomato juice will help control sweaty hands. Drink tomato juice every day to keep your body cool. Apply tomato juice on the palm for keeping the palm dry and soft.

Tea bags too have a sweat control agent, application of black tea bags help in shrinking of pores to prevent sweat from seeping through.

Vinegar is another wonderful sweat controlling agent. Apply vinegar on palms 2-3 times a day to prevent sweating and keep your hands dry.

Rose water is another remedy that can be used for controlling sweaty hands. Boil rose petals in water and apply a few drop of rose oil for fragrance. This can be bottled and used for dabbing on the palms to prevent sweating.


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Source: findhomeremedy