It’s named the Lone Star Tick, scientific name: Amblyomma americanum. It is so powerful it can alter your diet preferences immediately. Whether you want it or not.
Recent studies have revealed that one bite from this tiny red tick causes a severe allergy to meat that you’ll permanently take it off the menu. The Lone Star Tick’s saliva bears an alpha-gal that invades the bloodstream. Its bite can free an antibody into its victims that make them allergic to alpha-gal, a sugar found naturally in meat and products made from mammals.
Lone star ticks tend to have a more rounded body shape than other traditional tick species. Adult females are about ¼ inch long and up to ½ inch or longer when fully engorged.
Coloration varies from reddish-brown to tan, with adult females being distinguished by a single white spot on the back. The color of this spot can range from white to cream or bronze/gold and may take on an iridescent look at close range. Adult males typically have bright colored patterns along the outer margins of the body.
When this alpha-gal from the tick enters our bodies via our blood stream, our immune system recognizes it as a threat and releases antibodies to combat the intrusion. This results in an allergic reaction that involves hives, swelling and vomiting. In severe cases, some people choke and lose their breath.