
Tourists Rescued A Man Swimming In The Middle Of The Ocean For Five Days


Swimming in the scorching heat without any sunscreen is definitely painful and swimming in the cold night can make your whole body shiver. Many of us know that these two instances can really take a toll on your body.

This man was stuck in the middle of the ocean for FIVE DAYS! Under that burning rays of the sun and the cold embrace of the chilling waters.

Social media user Diana Seisa-Villanos shared on her social media account on what happened to this man they rescued in the middle of the ocean.

According to the netizen they were on their way to Vanishing Island of Samal when they suddenly saw a man swimming then eventually waves at them that seems like he is asking for help.

After rescuing the man the tourist asked him where he came from, how long has he been on the ocean. The man answered that he is from San Franz and he is in the ocean for five days.

Hearing what he said the passengers are relieved that he survived. They also brought him to the hospital.

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