
Keep Your Pimples In Check And Prevent Them From Appearing


Having pimples are irritating not only that it can also lower a person self-esteem because they feel embarrassed in having one they feel they are different from the others and sometimes a felt of ugliness.

What is a pimple anyway?

Pimples can also refer to as acne occurs when the skin's oil glands are overactive and pores become inflamed.

Pimples most of the time appear on our faces but pimples can pop anywhere on the skin.

Some types of bacteria can make a pimple worse and pimples are usually triggered by androgen hormones and, in some cases, genetics, there's treatment that can exactly remove them permanently but there are many methods you can try to reduce the chances of them popping into your skin.

Methods you should try:

Wash Face

The main reason pimples appear is because of excess oil, dirt, and sweat found on our skin so washing them off can help prevent pimples.

Take Note:

Remember that you mustn't wash your face with cleansers that can dry out your skin. Use an alcohol-free cleanser.


* Wet your face by putting warm water (mild warm water not boiling water).

* Next is to use a mild cleanser and apply it gently unto your face in a circular motion using your fingers (remember to clean your fingers first).

* Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

Don't touch your face

Our hands are one of the dirtiest parts of our body, why? well we all know that we touch many kinds of things and often we forgot that are hands are dirty (e.g. touching money, holding phone these two are the common dirtiest things in the world.) and when you touch your face those dirt/bacteria in your hands will transfer to your face that can clog the pores.

It is best to always wash your hands with hand sanitizers or water and soap thoroughly.

Stop popping your pimple

When popping a pimple that has many bacterias in it this may cause bleeding, severe scarring, or infection it can also increase inflammation and clog surrounding pores, making more pimples appear.

Manage Stress

Being stressed makes your body produce more oil-stimulating hormones which mean more oil means more chances of getting a pimple.

Trying different kinds of ways to manage your stress can be very helpful such as yoga or breathing exercises.


The information included in this article is for educational purposes only and not intended/implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor for medical diagnosis or treatment.

The reader assumes full responsibility for how he/she chooses to use this information. Any liability or obligation for loss or damage whatsoever arising is hereby disclaimed.

It is best to consult your doctor for advice.

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Source: healthline