
Paraan para mawala ang pangangati ng kagat ng lamok gamit lamang ang kutsara!


When you scratch a mosquito bite, this causes the skin to become even more inflamed. Since inflammation causes your skin to itch, you can get into a cycle where scratching will cause even more of an itchy sensation. In addition, by continuing to scratch you run the risk of breaking the skin and causing an infection, leading to even more of an itch.

The proteins that cause the itching in the mosquito bite are very sensitive to temperature. You could either cool down the bite, Which is a more pleasant but temporary solution to your problem. The most effective solution is to use a very hot spoon.

The spoon has to be hot enough that you can hold it on your skin for one or two seconds without actually burning you. Like a hot cup of tea temperature.

Hold the spoon in a cup of hot water for a couple of seconds, Take it out and gently put (don't push hard) onto the bite.

It will feel very uncomfortable for a couple of seconds, With it being bloody hot. But after a couple of seconds it cools down, and you can just feel the itch melt away with it.

Probably the cheapest and natural solution around but the most effective.

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Source: pinterest