
Simpleng Paraan Para Tanggalin Ang Iyong Chicken Skin


Keratosis pilaris or well known for the name chicken skin is a tiny bump or brown spots that appear on the skin and usually pops on the upper arms and legs. It doesn't normally cause any pain unless the bumps get inflamed the inflamed ones are the red bumps that are referred to as keratosis pilaris rubra faceii.

Now to get rid of them there are tons of methods you could try and here are two of them.


Oatmeal is not only for our stomach it can be used for treating chicken skins.


* Get two tablespoons of oatmeal and crush it and then mix or to two to three tablespoons of water or milk and apply it to the affected area. Rub it on with a circular motion for a few minutes and then wash off.

Olive oil

Get some of the olive oil around two tablespoons and mix it to three tablespoons of table salt then mix them both and then rub it on the affected area and massage for a few minutes before washing off with soap.
Baking soda and salt

Baking soda has many different kinds of uses and one of this is getting rid of the chicken skin. Baking soda has a mild chemical, action while the salt will provide the abrasive power.


* 2 tablespoons of table salt

* 2 tablespoons of baking soda


Get your baking soda and salt and put it in a small bowl. Then put the two ingredient in and add a little bit of water that is enough to make a paste. Next is to apply it on the affected area and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes.


The information included in this article is for educational purposes only and not intended/implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor for medical diagnosis or treatment.

The reader assumes full responsibility for how he/she chooses to use this information. Any liability or obligation for loss or damage whatsoever arising is hereby disclaimed.

It is best to consult your doctor for advice.

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Source: naturallivingideas